
This coffee is roasted with espresso drinkers in mind, but it will also make a delicious boozy drip or filter... Read More

  • Tasting Notes. Expect Chocolate, Mango, Strawberry, Wine, Cherry, Vanilla
  • Origin. Nicaragua
  • Region. Las Morenitas
  • Traceability. D.R. Wakefield Coffee importers.
  • Altitude. 1000 - 1250 Meters Above Sea Level
  • Varieties. Caturra, Marsellesa
  • Process. Natural

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About Nicaragua Coffee

This coffee is roasted with espresso drinkers in mind, but it will also make a delicious boozy drip or filter coffee. Due to the development in the roast, it's recommended to reduce the coffee water ratio to 1:14-1:15 and decrease the contact time with water. This should help balance out the flavours and create an enjoyable experience in your cup.

Las Morenitas is one of seven properties owned by Victor Robelo as part of the Las Nubes group, spanning across Jinotega and Matagalpa. Originally purchased in 2011, eighty percent of the farm is Caturra



The workers on the farm itself are paid 35% higher than the market rate as a way to ensure the best pickers come back to work at the farm when harvest is in full swing and are rewarded for their efforts in doing so. Engineer Ismael Gonzales plays an important role in duties across the farm, but success is seen as a team effort.

The coffee is picked and processed at the farms own wet mill under supervision by Production Manager Jimmy Valenzuela and is cupped by Jeyson Chavarria as a final step in cup quality control. Their attention to detail has seen the farm place in Cup of Excellence.

Camden Coffee Roastery is the first of its kind in Central London, dedicated to making specialty coffee accessible to all.

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